How To Block Adult Content on Your Android Device

Stuart Williams
By Stuart Williams 16 Min Read
how to block adult content on android featured

Did you know that, according to ACPeds, there’s a lot of stuff out there on the internet that isn’t so kid-friendly? In fact, some kids as young as 10 come across inappropriate content. Yikes! If you’re a parent of young ones, you’re probably thinking, “How do I make sure my child doesn’t see something they shouldn’t?” Well, good news! We’re here to help.

So, let’s dive into six easy steps you can follow to keep your kid’s Android device free from inappropriate content. 🌟

1. Flipping the Google SafeSearch Switch 🕵️

Okay, first things first! Have you heard of Google SafeSearch? It’s like a superhero for your web searches. Turn it on, and it will do its best to filter out the not-so-great content. So, whenever your child searches for something, it’ll make sure only the good stuff shows up.

2. Dive into OpenDNS 🌐

Think of OpenDNS as your online guardian angel. By setting this up, you add an extra layer of protection. It helps prevent unwanted sites from popping up when your child is browsing the internet.

3. Lock Down Google Play 👮

Google Play is a treasure trove of apps. But not all are meant for young eyes. By putting some restrictions in place, you can make sure your child only downloads and interacts with age-appropriate apps.

4. Choose a Kid-Friendly Browser 🌈

Just like there are playgrounds especially designed for kids, there are browsers made just for them too! Installing a safe browser means your child can surf the web without stumbling upon anything they shouldn’t.

5. Famikit Web Filter to the Rescue 🛡️

Meet FamiKit, your new best friend. It’s like a filter for the entire internet! Turn it on and rest easy, knowing it’s doing the hard work of keeping the web safe for your kiddo.

6. The Power of Parental Control with PanSpy 🎖️

Last, but definitely not least, there’s PanSpy. It’s like having a superpower! With this, you can monitor and control what your child accesses, ensuring they have a safe and fun online experience.

Part 1: Turn on Google SafeSearch

Did you know there’s a super easy way to make sure your kids don’t see anything scary or yucky on Google? It’s called SafeSearch, and it’s like a superhero that blocks all the bad stuff from your kids’ search results. Let’s break it down:

Step 1: Team Up with Google

First, make sure whatever browser your kids are using (like Chrome, Safari, or Firefox) is set to search with Google. It’s like picking Google for your team captain! On iPhones, you can find this in your phone’s settings under Safari. And in Chrome, just tap those three little dots at the top or bottom of your screen.

Step 2: Activate SafeSearch Superpowers

Now, here’s where the magic happens! On your mobile, you’ll need to open your Google app (download it if you don’t have it yet). Tap the gear icon (it’s like the settings button), scroll down until you see “Search Settings,” and then give that “Filter explicit results” option a tap under SafeSearch filters.

Doing this on a computer? Just head over to, find “Settings” in the bottom-right corner, click on “Search Settings,” and then click to turn on and lock SafeSearch. Easy-peasy!

Step 3: Keep a Superhero Check on All Devices

Okay, last part! You’ve got to do these steps on all the devices your kids use. That’s right, all of them! And because sometimes settings can change, it’s super smart to check now and then to make sure SafeSearch is still on. It’s like making sure your superhero is still on duty!

Part 2: Implementing OpenDNS

Alright, awesome parents, let’s chat about another cool tool that can help keep the not-so-great stuff away from your kids when they’re online. It’s called OpenDNS. Think of it like a guard at the castle gates, only letting in the friendly visitors and keeping out the not-so-nice ones.

Why Use OpenDNS?

You see, when you hop onto the internet, your device talks to something called DNS. Think of DNS like a big phone book that connects you to all the websites. But what if that phone book could make sure you only connect to the good stuff? That’s where OpenDNS comes in.

Whether you’re trying to keep kids away from scary or mature stuff or even if adults want to stay away from some types of content, OpenDNS is a champ! For example, it can block content like “Pornography,” “Tasteless stuff,” and “Sexuality.” Plus, it’s on the lookout for sneaky internet tricks like proxies and some of those nasty internet bugs (malware).

Setting Up OpenDNS: A Quick Guide

So, you’re probably wondering, “How do I get this awesome guard for my internet castle?” Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Change Your DNS Settings: Remember the DNS we talked about? We’re going to replace your regular one with OpenDNS. It’s like swapping out a regular guard for a superhero one!
  2. Use these magic numbers for OpenDNS:
  3. Once you plug these in, OpenDNS will start guarding your device, making sure only the safe stuff gets through.

Part 3: Use Google Play Restrictions

You know, the Google Play Store is like a ginormous toy store, but not every “toy” (or app) is right for every kid. Thankfully, Google Play has some settings you can tweak to make sure your kiddos only see what’s meant for their age. Let’s set it up together!

Step-by-Step Guide to Kid-Proofing Google Play

  1. Find the Google Play Store: On your child’s device, spot that colorful play icon and give it a tap.
  2. Head to Settings: See those three horizontal lines (it kinda looks like a sandwich) in the top-left corner? Tap that and a menu will slide out. Find the word ‘Settings’ and tap on it.
  3. Turn on Parental Controls: In the settings, you’ll see an option that says ‘Parental controls’. Tap on it. Now, it’ll ask you to switch it on. Do it!
  4. Set a Secret PIN: After you turn on parental controls, it’ll ask you to set a PIN. Think of this as a secret handshake between you and your device. Remember it, but shhh! Don’t share it with your kids.
  5. Pick Age Restrictions: Now, you’ll see different categories like apps, movies, music, etc. For each one, set an age limit that you think is right for your child.

Awesome, right? With these settings, you can breathe a little easier knowing your child is exploring a more kid-friendly version of the Play Store.

Part 4: Install a Safe Browser

Now, while the Google Play Store is one thing, the big wide web is…well, wide. And not everything out there is kid-approved. So, how about we put up a safety net?

Switch to Safe Browsers:

Think of safe browsers as the kiddie pool version of the internet. They’re designed to be safe, fun, and free from the deep-end content. Instead of Chrome or Opera, these browsers have already done the hard work of filtering out stuff that’s not kid-friendly.

How to Do It:

  1. Head to Google Play: Using the steps we talked about above, go to Google Play.
  2. Search for Kid-Friendly Browsers: Type in “safe browsers for kids” or “kid-friendly browsers” and you’ll see a bunch of options.
  3. Download and Install: Pick one you like and install it.
  4. Make It the Default: Once installed, go to your device settings and make this new browser the default one. That way, whenever your child opens the internet, they’ll automatically use the safe browser.

Part 5: Enable Web Filter with FamiKit

If you’re like me, you might sometimes feel like the internet is a bit like a wild jungle, and our little ones are explorers, eager to discover every nook and cranny. But, not all those nooks are safe. Enter FamiKit, our online guide to help keep our kids on the right path!

Why FamiKit Rocks:

FamiKit isn’t just a web filter. It’s like an all-in-one Swiss army knife for online safety! Here’s what it can do:

  • Manage Screen Time: See how long your kiddo’s been on their device and set limits.
  • App Monitoring: Find out which apps your child loves the most and set time restrictions.
  • Web Filtering: This is our biggie! Block the bad stuff and customize what sites they can see.
  • Location Tracking: Know where your adventurer is in the real world, and set up safety zones.
  • Online Search Safety: Keep risky searches out and monitor their browser history.
  • YouTube Monitoring: Check what they’re watching and block any videos or channels that aren’t kiddo-approved.

How to Set Up FamiKit: A Quick Guide

  1. Sign Up: First things first, create a FamiKit account. Easy peasy!
  2. Get the App: Head over to Google Play Store, search for ‘FamiKit’, and install it on both your and your kid’s devices.
  3. Set Up Kid’s Device: On your child’s device, open FamiKit and log in. Choose the kid’s role, and follow the on-screen instructions. And here’s a cool part: once set up, your child won’t be able to uninstall FamiKit without your secret code!
  4. Tighten the Safety Net: On your device, choose the parent’s role. Here’s where you can start filtering the web for your child, block certain sites, and customize which sites they can access.
  5. Stay Updated: You can also peek into their browser history and enable safe search. This way, you’re always in the loop about what they’re up to online.
  6. Keep YouTube Fun and Safe: With FamiKit, you can also see what videos your child’s been watching on YouTube. And if you spot something that’s not quite right for them, just block it!

Part 6: Install Parental Control with PanSpy

So, we’ve been on a journey to help our kiddos surf the web safely, right? But what if I told you there’s another superhero tool that can make the job even easier? Say hello to PanSpy!

Why PanSpy is a Parent’s Best Friend:

Think of PanSpy as that friend who’s got eyes everywhere and always has your back:

  • All-in-One Monitor: It keeps tabs on calls, messages, emails, photos, videos, and, well, almost everything on your child’s device.
  • Location Buddy: Want to know where your kiddo is? Check their real-time location, set safe zones, and get alerted if they step out.
  • Social Media Guardian: It peeks into popular apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, and more, making sure your child’s chats are bully and stranger-free.
  • Remote Control: This feature lets you block certain apps, set up time restrictions, and even filter websites. Cool, right?

Setting Up PanSpy: Easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Sign Up: Head to PanSpy and create an account using your email. You’ll get an email from the PanSpy team; just follow the instructions to activate.
  2. Get the App on Your Child’s Phone: On your kiddo’s device, open a browser and go to This will let you install the PanSpy app. Sign in with your account, follow the on-screen steps, and decide if you want to keep the app visible or hide it.
  3. Web Safety First: Now, with the app up and running, sign in to the PanSpy console on your device. From here, you can:
    • Check out their browsing history, how often they visit certain sites, and even their bookmarks.
    • Set up website filters! Go to ‘Website Filter’, choose the ‘Adult’ category, and toggle on ‘Prevent’. This keeps most naughty sites away. And if you’ve got some specific no-no sites in mind? Add them to the exceptions list.
  4. Extras: PanSpy can also show you photos and videos downloaded from the internet, alert you if certain keywords pop up (like “drugs”), and even set screen-time limits.


Alright, folks! Let’s wrap this up. We’ve dived deep into 6 super strategies to ensure our kids stay clear of those not-so-nice corners of the internet. 🚫🌐

Here’s a quick flashback:

  1. Google SafeSearch: Like a bouncer for the web, it stops nasty stuff at the door.
  2. OpenDNS: Think of it as a gatekeeper, deciding which sites can enter your home’s internet.
  3. Google Play Restrictions: It’s like a strict librarian, only letting age-appropriate content get borrowed.
  4. Safe Browser: Swap out the typical web surfer with this one. It’s like replacing a treasure map with hidden traps with a clean, clear one.
  5. FamiKit: This is your digital nanny. It keeps a watchful eye on web content, app usage, location, and even YouTube.
  6. PanSpy: The superhero sidekick for every parent. It monitors, controls, and even helps you set digital curfews.

If I were to give gold stars 🌟, FamiKit and PanSpy would be at the top! Not only can they shield our little ones from unwanted content, but their added features make them the ultimate parental allies.

Stay safe, keep surfing, and remember, the internet is vast but with the right tools, we can make it a safe playground for our curious kiddos. 🧒📱🔒

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Hey, I'm Stuart, a tech enthusiast and writing expert. With a passion for technology, I specialize in crafting in-depth articles, reviews, and affiliate content. In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, I've witnessed how the age of the internet has transformed technology journalism. Even in the era of social media and video marketing, reading articles remains crucial for gaining valuable insights and staying informed. Join me as we explore the exciting realm of tech together!
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